Wednesday, October 22, 2008

That's A lot of Pie

Reportedly, the Republican Party has spent $150,000 on clothes for Sarah Palin and her family. That's a lot of "Pie."

Normally, I condemn as stupid and petty discussion about how much a candidate spends on things like haircuts, clothes, and etc.. But, in this instance Sara Palin deserves what is (hopefully) coming to her. This event calls into question all of her supposed virtues. You can't go around extolling the values of modest, self-reliant, and hardworking small-town America the accept a $150,000 in handouts from the fanciest boutiques in the country. Does Joe Sixpack shop a Nieman Marcus? I doubt it. Imagine if Barak Obama was seen even leaving a Neiman Marcus or Saks Fifth Avenue? Can you say E -L-I-T-I-S-T.

In retrospect, I'm sure Palin and the Republican Party will wish she had said "thanks, but not thanks."

1 comment:

Unknown said...

ronny, for the love of god, proofread before you post!