Thursday, October 30, 2008

Racists for Obama

If you have a moment, check out this incredibly fascinating discussion with prominent hate-group leaders about who they plan to vote for in the upcoming election. A preview:

* * *

Rocky Suhayda

Who: Chairman, American Nazi Party

Likes: Hitler, white people

Dislikes: Jews, immigrants, multinational corporations

Career highlights: Being widely quoted bemoaning in the fact that so few Aryan-Americans had the cojones of the 9/11 hijackers: “If we were one-tenth as serious, we might start getting somewhere.”

“White people are faced with either a negro or a total nutter who happens to have a pale face. Personally I’d prefer the negro. National Socialists are not mindless haters. Here, I see a white man, who is almost dead, who declares he wants to fight endless wars around the globe to make the world safe for Judeo-capitalist exploitation, who supports the invasion of America by illegals -- basically a continuation of the last eight years of Emperor Bush. Then, we have a black man, who loves his own kind, belongs to a Black-Nationalist religion, is married to a black women -- when usually negroes who have ‘made it’ immediately land a white spouse as a kind of prize -- that’s the kind of negro that I can respect. Any time that a prominent person embraces their racial heritage in a positive manner, it’s good for all racially minded folks. Besides, America cares nothing for the interests of the white American worker, while having a love affair with just about every non-white on planet Earth. It’d be poetic justice to have a non-white as titular chief over this decaying modern Sodom and Gomorrah.”

You can vote however you like

Ah . . . this is amazing.

Based, of course, on T.I.'s hit Whatever You Like.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

The Final Countdown

Trying to stay sane between now and the election day. National polls are narrowing, but Obama still has good leads in many of the important States. I'm trying not to get ahead of myself, but as Nov. 4 gets closer I get more and more excited about the prospect of having President that shares my values (for the most part). It will be a profoundly sad day for me and this country if Obama does not win.

Anyway, I came across these photographs today and really enjoyed them. Maybe its the voyeur in me, but I really like behind the scenes pictures, and these really capture Obama at his most human.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Curbing My Enthusiasm

Larry David's column on Huffington sums up my current state of mind pretty much perfectly.

Five times a day I'll still say to someone, "I don't know what I'm going to do if McCain wins." Of course, the reality is I'm probably not going to do anything. What can I do? I'm not going to kill myself. If I didn't kill myself when I became impotent for two months in 1979, I'm certainly not going to do it if McCain and Palin are elected, even if it's by nefarious means. If Obama loses, it would be easier to live with it if it's due to racism rather than if it's stolen. If it's racism, I can say, "Okay, we lost, but at least it's a democracy. Sure, it's a democracy inhabited by a majority of disgusting, reprehensible turds, but at least it's a democracy." If he loses because it's stolen, that will be much worse. Call me crazy, but I'd rather live in a democratic racist country than a non-democratic non-racist one. (It's not exactly a Hobson's choice, but it's close, and I think Hobson would compliment me on how close I've actually come to giving him no choice. He'd love that!)

Obama is for the People

Just like you and me, he spends his Sundays incessantly checking his Fantasy Football team.

That's A lot of Pie

Reportedly, the Republican Party has spent $150,000 on clothes for Sarah Palin and her family. That's a lot of "Pie."

Normally, I condemn as stupid and petty discussion about how much a candidate spends on things like haircuts, clothes, and etc.. But, in this instance Sara Palin deserves what is (hopefully) coming to her. This event calls into question all of her supposed virtues. You can't go around extolling the values of modest, self-reliant, and hardworking small-town America the accept a $150,000 in handouts from the fanciest boutiques in the country. Does Joe Sixpack shop a Nieman Marcus? I doubt it. Imagine if Barak Obama was seen even leaving a Neiman Marcus or Saks Fifth Avenue? Can you say E -L-I-T-I-S-T.

In retrospect, I'm sure Palin and the Republican Party will wish she had said "thanks, but not thanks."

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Robocalls and Obama's Genius

Tonight I received an email from Joe Biden. It began:

The McCain campaign is flooding swing voters with "robocalls" -- automated phone calls smearing Barack's character.

They don't hurt Barack or me, but these dirty tactics hurt America by distracting voters from the issues that matter.

And, later on in the email stated:

Our opponent's automated "hate calls," as John McCain once called them, won't reform health care or make our economy fair again. They will only mislead voters with lies and distortions.

The voice of a supporter like you will always be much stronger.

I hope you'll take the time to join us and make these important calls.

Much has been made in the last few days about the McCain robocalls. I tend to agree that they are a desperate tactic from a desperate candidate, and a move that only serves to confirm the depths to which McCain will sink to win this election. So, imagine my surprise when i saw this headline on Obama camp to unleash blistering robocall returning fire at McCain for running "sleazy" campaign. Granted, the text of the call is not as caustic as some that McCain has been running, but when push comes to shove it is nothing more than a negative robocall. Calling your opponent sleazy is not positive campaigning. Additionally, and as is alluded to in the Biden email, the condemnation of the robocalls was predicated not just on their content, but on - and to a lesser extent - the mere act of calling in and of itself. This brings me to the point of this post: Obama's genius.

Once again, Obama has lulled John McCain into going negative first, waited for the media - or in this case, other Republican Senators - to call him out on it, then used the cover of the negative attention to engage in similar tactic without scrutiny. I predict that Obama's robocalls will go unmentioned, or at least uncriticized in the press. And, because McCain already has been tarnished for the practice, he is in no position to criticize his opponent for using it against him.

A similar story played out with McCain's incessantly negative TV ads after the Republican Convention. Eventually, the press labeled McCain a liar - a fair in assessment my view. Consequently, when Obama started going negative McCain's previous label as a liar dulled his attacks on the veracity of Obama's ads. If, however, Obama had fought back with negativity right away, the press would likely have focused not on McCain's lies, but the mutual mudslinging. Instead, McCain was put in the unenviable position of accusing Obama of the negative trait with which he had already been tarred - a very weak position and an increasingly untenable one. Events have reapeated themselves with the Robocalls.


Rage and Reflect

This is my second attempt at blogging. My previous effort, thatsfine, has mysteriously disappeared; thats fine - it wasn't that great anyway.

Rage and Reflect has no particular theme. Instead, it will serve as an outlet for my day-to-day interests and feelings, no matter what the subject. It takes its name from the sage wisdom of one Anthony Dali - a.k.a. Ant. His retort to "rage and reflect" reminds us that a life well lived is both uninhibited and joyous (rage), while simultaneously contemplative (reflect).

I hope you all enjoy it.
